The State Training Institute (IECA) is a decentralized public entity of the state administration with its legal personality and assets. It plays a key role in the training of qualified personnel. So they have better opportunities when looking for a job. But also, to improve and perfect themselves with the skills they already have, or to train themselves to be self-sufficient.
Its main objective is to transform people’s lives through the development of knowledge and skills to make them highly competitive, creative, and talented. It also allows them to get into the labor market in any productive sector and support the creation and preservation of jobs and self-employment. This entity supports the State to prepare for the mind facture economy.
The training process is a model that adapts to the client´s needs in terms of content, duration, hours, dates, and places; under the regulations of the Institute. IECA has positioned itself a training reference in the market and increased its demand. It also features training scheme based on 20 percent theory and 80 percent practice
The Institute has become a decisive factor in attracting investment with modern infrastructure, state-of-the-art technology, and certified instructors which train qualified personnel, serving companies, and industries installed in the State.
We cover the demand and training needs for and on the job in the 46 municipalities of the state.
The main success case in IECA.
Three years ago, the IECA and American Axle signed an agreement for the construction of the Institute located in the FIPASI Industrial Park in the municipality of Silao, which aims to consolidate the work to achieve training and specialization of the plant employees and the general public. It also supports all those who seek a career in the automotive industry. It trains middle managers, as well as company personnel.
It is named after Richard E. Dauch, an auto industry veteran and founder of American Axle. He was an active promoter of training for the development of skills and abilities in people.
American is a company in charge of manufacturing rear axles and transmission with 90 plants in 17 countries. It currently has more than 25 thousand employees and serves more than 700 clients on four continents. In Mexico, it has 11 plants, 9 of them installed in Guanajuato where it generates more than 6 thousand jobs. It has been the main ally of IECA for 18 years.
In the last three years, the Institute managed to train 15,338 people in 3,070 courses.
- 13 training classrooms with a capacity for 60 people
- 3 computer rooms
- 3 meeting rooms
- Dining room with capacity for 43 people
- Dimensional metrology
- Assemble
- Bank setting
- Machine tools
- Machined by CNC Numerical Control
- Pneumatics and electro pneumatics
- Industrial automation
- Logistics and forklifts
- Welding
- Industrial Safety
- Robotics
- Administration
- Automation and control
- Quality
- Supporting courses
- Prerequisite courses
- Development of teaching skills
- Industrial and architectural drawing
- Electricity
- Organizational management
- Computing
- English
- Industrial maintenance
- Machine tools
- Marketing and logistics
- Dimensional metrology
- Motor transport operation
- Health and Safety
- Welding
Big Data .
Embedded Software.
Process Automation.
Cybersecurity .
Artificial Intelligence .
Virtual and Augmented Reality and Additive Manufacturing.
Specialized Software for IoT Arduino.
Guanajuato was formerly considered as a state of leather footwear, commerce, services, and tourism. The state is also known for having two World Heritage cities: Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende. However, in recent years, the entity gave a great turn to the industrial and automotive sectors.
With the arrival of the automotive industry, the dynamics changed, as many companies decided to settle in the entity. Even municipalities that previously did not have much economic activity received investments in this sector and achieved exponential growth.
Today, Guanajuato is the only state in México with five assembly companies: General Motors, Volkswagen, Honda, Mazda, and recently Toyota. Additionally, it has Guanajuato Puerto Interior, the most dynamic dry port with the highest logistical recognition in Mexico and Latin America; which houses five industrial parks, logistics, community, educational, commercial, aid, and support services.
Given this new scheme, it was necessary to train specialized personnel required by companies based in the state, and for which the IECA managed to establish itself as an organization capable of playing an important role in the training of qualified personnel.
Its evolution was gradual until it became the IECA in 2006. Its origin dates back to 1992 as the Institute of Training for Work of the State of Guanajuato (ICATEG); then, in 2001 as the State System for Life and Work (SEEVyT), and 2005 as the Certification and Training Unit for Work (UNICAT).
Along with 30 other states in the country, the IECA is part of the Training Institutes for Work (ICAT) of the General Directorate of Work Training Centers of the Ministry of Public Education.
The IECA became number one nationwide on the number of people trained, income, innovation, and technology for five consecutive years.
INDICATORS 2015-2021
At the end of a training course, the interested party receives a certificate that allows him to perform the training received during a period, which, in turn, represents personal satisfaction.
It is relevant to mention that it was at the request of the IECA that a unified certificate was approved for all the Training Institutes for Work (ICAT) in the country. The proposal for the design of the certificate was accepted and formally authorized for all institutes.
The diplomas and certificates are official documents validated by the General Directorate of Work Training Centers (DGCFT), an administrative unit attached to the Undersecretary of Higher Secondary Education of the Ministry of Public Education.
Seven security measures protect the document. One of them is the Guiloche design with specific patterns in the background. It also includes a map of the Mexican Republic, invisible folio, hot stamping, a metal tape printed at high temperature where the logo of the DGCFT appears, an invisible watermark, and a logo line in micro text.
In addition, IECA prints a QR code, whose additional elements of security, control, and access to information are generated from the school control system, being unique for each document issued.
Throughout these years, the IECA has sought operational excellence to allow the efficiency of its substantive processes. Thus, IECA generates close ties between each of the parties and resources that comprise it. It permits seeking alliances to comply with institutional objectives aiming to improve people’s quality of life.
The Institute participated at the Hannover Fair, the most recognized event in technology and innovation worldwide; it offered specialties aimed at different productive sectors. It was held in the city of León, Guanajuato.
Along with the fair, the IECA managed to bring together technicians, students from different engineering careers from public and private universities with teachers to involve them in issues related to technology and innovation that the new industrial era demands today.
Through an event called IECautomatízate, prominent panelists from Industrial Transformation México (ITM) from Hannover Fairs México participated, providing young people with valuable information on the automation process, through panels and conferences. Over 1,260 students from careers in Robotics, Mechatronics, Electronics, Industrial, Electromechanics, Agronomy, Innovation, and Agriculture from all over the state.
The installation of a Packing and Packaging Laboratory was achieved through a collaboration agreement between the IECA, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and the Kanepackage company. It is located in the Technological Core of the IECA Silao campus.
The laboratory will train and provide technical services in testing and evaluation systems for packaging resistance measurements. Likewise, it will train qualified technical designers in packaging.
- Vibration Testing Machine
- Compression Testing Machine
- Vertical Drop Testing Machine
- Cutting Machine