Our Investment Promotion Team is responsible for informing potential investors about the advantages of locating a business in their respective cities, presenting them with concrete location proposals, and organizing local support for investors as they settle in. Even after an investment project has been completed successfully, our team continues to look after the investors through a one stop shop service. We support foreign investors through the network of local economic development team and federal institutions.

Guanajuato Foreign Investment team can deliver tailor made assessment for your project. We highly recommend getting in touch with us so we can understand your operation requirements and give you support on key areas to be considered before taking some decisions.
In each step of the process, from site selection evaluation, operation start up to full operation, we always recommend companies to do thorough studies and analysis to get a full understanding of the final location for your project, considering all factors that could affect your operation.
Site-selection considerations that are most likely to cause problems when not addressed early in project planning
· Environmental & Archeological (Conditions, regulations, and protected sites by INAH)
· Economic (Financial Costs, Business Plan & Incentives)
· Infrastructure (Transportation, Utilities & Energy supply)
· Social (Labor, local culture, and surroundings activities)
· Market (Customers and Supply Chain)
· Mobility
· Federal, State and Local Regulations & Permits
The best way to ensure site-selection criteria are thoroughly evaluated is to use a team of experienced consultants and get the right expert advice from private and public institutions, backed-up by documented information.
Other services related to operations can be provided as:
Human Resources and Talent Selection through the dedicated Job Office.
Training courses through IECA Link with federal, state, and local authorities to comply with federal laws and permits.
Link with the local and state law-enforcement authorities.
Link with the State Governor and Secretaries.

A package of incentives and personal assistance program has been developed and improved through the last 15 years based on industry needs. This investment promotion program is managed by Guanajuato Ministry for Economic and Sustainable Development (SDES) and the Undersecretary for Investments Promotion.
The support offered by the Guanajuato Government vary depending on the outreach of the investment project based on a 5 years business plan:
Direct jobs generated (registered at the IMSS).
Amount of investment in fixed assets (million USD).
Type / Sector of industrial activity played by the company.
Municipality where the new operation would be installed.
Level of integration of local suppliers in their process.
Capacity to bring new suppliers to the region than will generate productive plants and create more jobs.
Technology incorporated into production processes.